About the TOUR

The Installation THE CROSSING premiered in July 2022 at Skillinge Theatre in Skåne, the southern region of Sweden. It is a journey about three refugees fleeing wars, poverty and suppression, attempting to cross the Mediterranean from the Libyan coast, hoping to find refuge in Italy or Greece.


The Crossing is currently on tour in Denmark, where it has been displayed at Nørrebros beautiful culture house UNION (in March 2023). We hope to be able to visit schools in the beginning of the autumn 2023, and later move on to Norway (Oslo) and other Swedish cities such as Gothenburg and Malmö.

It is an interactive Virtual Reality experience that will tour in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, meeting both grown ups and young students (age 16-19). The tour has been made possible with the aid of Nordic Culture Point. The installation is created by a joint collaboration between Impact Unified (UK/Sweden), Bombina Bombast (Sweden), Skillinge Theatre (Sweden), Civil Connections (Denmark) and (Norway)

Please read more about the persons and organisations involved under About us